About Scientist


YARDLABS is honoured to have world acclaimed scientist and Nobel Panellist Dr. Asim K. Duttaroy in their scientific advisory board. Dr. Asim K. Duttaroy remains the Faculty of Medicine in the University of Oslo, Norway since 2001. He also held the post of Principal Scientist & Professor in Rowett Research Institute of Scotland, Senior Health Officer in VA Medical Centre of Ohio, USA and Assistant Professor of Medicine, Dept. of Medicine, Wright State University School of Medicine, Dayton, Ohio, USA.

His discoveries of anti-thrombotic factors in kiwifruits and tomatoes are patented internationally. He owns 8 international patents and all his notable scientific work has been published in over 415 international editorials and reviews. He is honoured with several awards like Elizabeth Kushnir Memorial Award for Prostaglandin research by the American Heart Association, Hoffman La Roche Award for feto-placental research by the International Conference on PUFA Nutrition and Disease Prevention, Barcelona, Spain. He became the Honorary Professor in Robert Gordon University, International College of Clinical Nutrition and Fellow of International College of Nutrition. His name is cited in Wikipedia in the year 2016 and he also became the Executive Member in European Academy of Nutritional Sciences and Royal Society of Medicine in UK.